Albie and Ember

Albie is Ember’s favourite teddy.

Everywhere Ember goes, Albie goes too.

Albie especially likes it when Mummy takes Ember for a walk in the push-chair.

One day, while they were out, Ember fell asleep and she started to let go of Albie. He tried as hard as he could to hold on, but he couldn’t and he fell onto the floor!

Oh no! What can Albie do to get back home? Ember and Mummy were already so far away he couldn’t see them anymore.

Albie lay on the floor for a very long time. So long in fact that it started to get dark.

Albie was scared and he missed Ember very much.

But then, what’s this?

The wind began to blow. A little at first, Albie felt his little flappy arms and legs begin to move.

It got stronger, and stronger until… Albie took off!

He flew over the tree-tops, and up up into the sky.

“Whee” thought Albie as he flew over the sea. Little fishing boats bobbed up and down, their lights twinkling.

“Whee” thought Albie as he flew over the park, quiet now all the children were in bed.

“Home!” Thought Albie as he saw the little house where he lived with Ember.

He did a final loop-the-loop and flew in through Ember’s bedroom window.

“Albie!” shouted Ember. “Albie, Albie!”.

She shouted so loud that Mummy came up the stairs to see what all the fuss was about.

But Ember was already fast asleep, cuddling Albie as tight as she could.

The End.